Creating Working Communities

Co-creating a better world, together.

Leadership Coaching

Team Coaching

Organizational Coaching

What is Creating Working Communities?

We focus on creating individual and cultural alignment to the core purpose that you and your organization are intent on creating. We do this through masterful leadership coaching, dynamic facilitation, and the creation of generative cultures.

With trust, courage, authenticity and wisdom we walk with leaders in organizations to create a culture that feels like a community where people experience contribution and belonging.

Watch this video interview with Fireside Strategic

Listen to this interview with Close Up Radio

What We Do

The Demers Group supports individuals, groups, and organizations to "Remember who they are, discover what they love, and be true to themselves." We do this through masterful leadership coaching, training highly competent coaches, teams, and groups in organizations. Core Alignment is our founding principle.

Our Philosophy

“We have inherited a very powerful ‘language of lack’ in our organizations, communities, and families so we think and speak about what is wrong, who is to blame, and how can we hope to fix it to avoid making the same mistakes. The focus has become on what is not working. A garden will not flourish by watering the weeds! “

We believe that where people get their personal power is the work of remembering who they are, discovering what they love, and being true to themselves. We believe that what you put your attention on will grow. We believe that when people take responsibility for the difference they are here to make and have the philosophies, tools, and processes to make that difference their contribution will be realized in all areas of life.

Our Team

The individual coaches and trainers of the Demers Group are people who live by and apply the principles and philosophies of Core Alignment. Each team member has the experience, training, and desire it takes to be extraordinary coaches, facilitators, and trainers.

We look forward to working with you on behalf of what matters to you and how you will keep yourself your life and your organization moving towards that possibility.

In authenticity,

We journey together on this path to personal discovery. All of us have a unique spark that makes us who we are, and there is nothing outside of you that can change that. When we walk together, we co-create a depth of remembrance that is unparalleled as opposed to seeking out answers on our own. And when we allow ourselves to be witnessed on this path of discovery and remembrance, true liberation takes place from the inside out. This is how you transform your life and come back to the core of who you are, and why you are here.

 What people are saying

Our Programs

Leadership Coaching

We are all leaders in life. We are either leading unconsciously or consciously.  We are either leading from a set of competencies that we learned or we are tapping into our own natural leadership style and strengths.

What kind of leader are you?

What motivates you to be a leader?

We Work With Leaders Who:

  • Are ready to tap into their natural leadership.

  • Are willing to commit the time, energy, and joy to walk their talk.

Organizational Core Alignment

Long-life organizations have had a way of remaining aligned with their original purpose and vision.

  • What is the story of your organization’s beginning? 

  • What do we see then about its purpose and what really gives it life?

  • What is the kind of culture that supports that purpose and vision?

We work with organizations that are committed to being around for a long time.  They want to stay true to their original purpose and have the kind of culture that breathes life into the vision and purpose.

Team Alignment

We all accomplish directly in relation to others whether teams or groups.

What if each member of the team knew his or her strengths and gifts?  What if they also know the strengths and gifts of every other member of the team?

What if they could clearly see how collectively they could fulfill on any project, goal or vision they created?

We work with teams who have a strong desire to be extraordinary in both what they accomplish and how they accomplish this.